Brand Development & Management, Packaging, Design, Print, Digital
(Company Brochure, Advertisements Digital and Magazine, POS, New Product Jar Labels, Swing Tags, Photography, Photo-retouching and Packaging.)
Thursday Cottage is a Wilkes & Sons brand. First founded in 1963, by Hugh and Pam Corbin and named after a cottage of the same name outside Spaxton, Somerset until they sold to Wilkes & Sons it in 2002.
Now based in Tiptree, Essex where they still make a variety of handmade jams, marmalades, honey and curds.
The ingredients, the open pan cooking and the distinctive taste and character of Thursday Cottage products has changed little from the time when the company was based in the West Country, over fifty years ago.
I started working with Thursday Cottage back in 2018, primarily on producing their new productJar Labels.
Over the course of time I have taken on-board most of Thursday Cottage's design requirements whilst managing their brand, creating brand assets, along with providing a photography and re-touching service when required.
Company brochures, magazine and digital adverts, as well as bespoke product packaging designs and swing tags have all been projects successful completed for this company who has been "Preserving Excellence Since 1963"
Like to try the brand, you can buy their wide range of products on-line at
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