Legacy Campaign Design, Development and Print.
(12pp Booklet, Campaign Letters, Envelopes, Social Media Tiles, Advert)
Freedom from Torture is a UK-based charity that supports people who have survived torture. They help survivors in their recovery as they heal from trauma, re-establish relationships and trust, and rebuild their lives. Led by torture survivors themselves, they campaign against torture and for the rights of survivors seeking asylum in the UK.
To increase supporters and donators raising funds over the next four years 2022-2026, allowing the charity to continue campaigning for Freedom from Torture and increase the support it provides its survivors.
A legacy campaign, encouraging supporters and interested parties to 'leave a gift in their wills'.
This would take the form of a printed mail-out and digital campaign. Which would included an introduction letter, response form and co-ordinating envelopes, along with a 12pp booklet, social media tiles and an email shot.
Working with Freedom From Torture's strong brand identity and guidelines along with the content provided by the marketing team. I methodically designed each of the products required for this campaign both printed and digital, providing design/layout options where necessary.
The campaign content provided was well thought-out and there were very few edits or adjustments to be made to the final proofs. The project flowed quickly, smoothly and the final printed materials were delivered in a timely manner.
The campaign was well received and an overall success with an increase of donations and gifts left in wills during the course of the year.
I am currently working on updating this years Legacy Campaign, due to be released in March 2025.
12pp Legacy Campaign Booklet
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